Shattaf Bidet Sprayer vs Toilet Paper Part 1/2


Choosing whether to be environmentally conscious and aware often conjures up a variety of feelings. Some people get involved if it’s no trouble, some if it helps them personally.


Do people actually know what role they want to play in their community, their country, and ultimately the world? The trouble is most people have not given it much thought. Do they really know what they are passionate about? They probably go back and forth between being inspired, i-can-do-anything mentality and a state of complete and utter despair because they have little idea how and why they need to act.

What are some of the benefits of The Shattaf?

I believe first and foremost, people upgrade to The Shattaf Bidet Sprayer for personal reasons. Hygiene and comfort are usually the first great benefits people realise the Shattaf offers. Next comes the huge extra benefit of the cost savings to be had over toilet paper, and lastly probably comes the environmental benefits.

There are so many more benefits to The Shattaf Bidet Sprayer than purely environmental concerns, as I’ve just mentioned but I often receive a number of emails from people who have only recently heard about the Shattaf, and are inquisitive about it but know very little and others asking about specific environmental benefits.

Therefore this blog post will focus on the basics of

The Shattaf Bidet Sprayer as well as some environmental benefits.


Toilet habits rarely make for the best conversation piece, but how we dispose of our  waste is a huge environmental issue. And one we all need to consider in relation to our own impact, especially as population growth continues to blow up every day. We can’t continue to believe and think it’s someone else’s duty.

Most people flush and forget – not realising what leaves a sewage wastewater treatment works isn’t exactly crystal clear, pure water.

Toilet paper use is a constant issue among environmentalists as there seems to be a great deal of resistance to toilet paper made of recycled material. Some people use toilet paper products that are whole or in part made from recycled products. But the fact is that the majority of people don’t use recycled material toilet paper.


Why not stop using toilet paper altogether – or at least the vast majority of it?

Enter The Shattaf Bidet Sprayer (loud applause)!!

Admittedly, I refrained from using The Shattaf even though it was present in my bathroom for months before I first tried it. It wasn’t until a really bad case of tummy problems did I give it a try. I’d had an unusually spicy meal, and within a short space of time I was on the potty. And then again. And again. And again. I remember that session lasting to the inauspicious number of thirteen before I keeled over and passed out.

I had never tried to use the Shattaf that was beside my toilet, mainly due to not knowing what it was really for. But after my mammoth toilet session, and my under carriage in severe pain, a friend was bemused why I was using toilet paper every time, tearing my skin off in the process. 

So the next toilet visit I decided to give it a try. My friend had given me a few directions, “spread your cheeks on the seat, lean to the left, shoot from the back, aim and fire, gently at first”.

The “gently at first” part I seemed to have forgotten and got the shock of my life, as I fired a bullet train jet stream of water at my already tender area. Water splashed everywhere. But it’s not that difficult to realise I should have squeezed the trigger on the Shattaf, “gently at first”.

Within a few tries I had the trigger squeezing down to a tee. And the whole process was an absolute epiphany of cleanliness and comfort within no time.

Eureka!! Ka Ka..

From that week forward I knew I was never going to be using great wads of toilet paper ever again, not by choice anyway.


I have to help my neighbour cut his grass, so I gotta run, sorry

Part two coming soon…


greg-nolandAlways Dedicated to Your Awesome Life,

Greg Noland

Shattaf Bidet Sprayers